Use God’s Love to save your Marriage

by | Apr 9, 2014 | Books

When you make your vows before God at your wedding you are making a commitment to spend the rest of your life with the person you love. In these hard times it can be very difficult to stay connected. It is so important to find time for each other and remember why you fell in love. It is even more important to stay strong when children are involved. A Free Personal Prophecy can provide insight into your relationship and help you use God’s love to save your marriage and keep it strong.

It is easy for us to run into trouble in marriage. There may be financial issues, temptation from people outside the marriage, in law stresses and parenting disputes. Sometimes you just become farther and farther apart. However if you use God’s love you can learn to remain close.

When you stop communicating it is easy to feel your partner is no longer focused on you and is not being loving and attentive. It is important that when you feel this way you share your feelings instead of letting things get worse. Sharing your feelings will help address issues and also will probably surprise you. Your spouse will more than likely not even realize they have been so removed and explain a problem at work, or that they are tired and you can begin focusing on becoming close again.

Many Christian couples use a free personal prophecy for assistance from God to help bring them closer again. They can reflect upon the message together and learn what God wants them to do to strengthen their relationship. You can also use prayer. You can pray for your spouse or pray together to help keep your connection and love stronger.

It can be a real challenge staying married but staying focused on each other and depending on each other for support is the most important aspect of marriage. When you seek solace outside the marriage even though it might begin innocently you will find you are creating a bond outside the marriage. When you seek solace with your spouse you remain in tune with each other and will try to make each other happier when things seem to be going wrong.

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