You have recently decided that you would give into your horror loving side and purchase that new skeleton hand necklace you have been eyeing on the Scary Jewelry site. While you are waiting on your new jewelry to be delivered, however, you need to find out how to put...
When To Give A Gemstone Ring
Gemstone rings used to be very popular in a jewelry collection and were even seen as a mark of power and class. However their popularity ended up fading over the years and being outshined by the beauty of diamonds. Gemstone rings are quickly making a comeback and are...
Cuban Link Chain – Which Gold Color Should You Choose?
If you want some great-looking and rugged jewelry, you can't go wrong with a quality-made Cuban link chain. You can wear them anywhere and never take them off if you like. You won't have to worry about problems like staining or dislocation when you have high-quality...
How To Trade Jewelry For The Best Price
Do you have jewelry around the home that you don’t really like to wear. Besides holding onto it for sentimental value, there is really no reason to keep it if you don’t wear it. Instead, you should consider learning how to trade jewelry for money. When you trade your...
Top Things Your Piercer Wishes You Knew
Despite the fact that more and more people are getting some type of body piercings today and using Monroe piercing rings as well, very few people actually know anything about piercings at all. There are quite a few things that your piercer wishes you knew, before you...