The Advantages of Soy Based Formulas

by | Apr 23, 2013 | Food

Physicians recommend milk based formula products for newborns. However, there are some instances where babies cannot tolerate these formulas and in order for the newborn to get the viable nutrients they need, alternative formulas are often recommended. Soy based formulas are free of lactose but contain the same nutritional values as those found in milk based products. For thousands of years, soy has been used as a dietary supplement. It offers many health benefits and is an alternate source of protein.

Why Go with Soy?

A study by Science Daily shows that soy products contain soy isoflavones that aid in decreasing the potential of Rotavirus infections, which is one of the main causes of diarrhea in infants. Soy based formulas were at one time the main alternative for infants who were lactose intolerant. Today, there are more options available. Now there are hypoallergenic alternative and lactose free formulas on the market today. Sometimes infants who have an allergic reaction to milk based products could also have an allergy to soy based products.

According to the AAP, it is recommended that soy products only be given to infants and children that are within three different categories. The first is vegan parents. These are soy products that are recommended to parents who follow strict vegan diets. The second category is true lactose intolerance. This is for children where soy products are recommended for those who have actual lactose intolerance. It is important not to confuse this with an allergic reaction to milk based products. The last category is Congenital Galactosemia. These are babies that have the rare condition known as congenital galactosemia do not possess the necessary enzymes that change galactose to glucose. If high levels of galactose build up in the body, it could cause serious health concerns and in some cases lead to death. In these cases, soy based formulas would definitely be a viable alternative.

Any research that is found online should not be considered as an alternative to the advice of a physician, but you can use it as a tool to discuss what the best dietary needs for your child and set a plan of action in motion that will lead to long term benefits for your child. Before a formula product is released for consumers to purchase, it will undergo many different quality checks and be assessed for many different quality attributes.

Parent’s Choice brands offer a soy based formula that is made in the U.S.A, and it meets or has exceeded all FDA and law requirements. It is important to know that Parent’s Choice Products do not contain any preservatives or egg based ingredients. Parent’s all over the U.S. purchase the product line of Parent’s Choice with confidence knowing they follow industry standards. The savings experienced on every product speaks for itself.

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