Acquiring top-quality premium cigars used to only be possible if you visited a brick-and-mortar shop. Now almost anyone can buy cigars online from the comfort of their own home. While there is something to be said for the experience that cigar smokers enjoy when they visit a store and can see the product in person, there are more compelling reasons to buy them over the Internet, starting with:
A Greater Selection
Brick-and-mortar stores have a fairly decent inventory of good, quality cigars, but they cannot have nearly the same size of inventory as an online store. Online cigar shops tend to have a significantly larger selection of premium cigars because they can store the cigars in warehouses. This gives them a lot more space to house different brands, including boutique brands. Some websites where you can buy cigars online also sell pipes and other cigar accessories.
A Lower Price Tag
Cigar lovers love their cigars, but they also love to save money. Brick-and-mortar stores tend to charge a higher price for their cigars because they have greater overhead expenses compared to online shops. They also do not have the same buying power as online cigar shops.
You can save money when you buy cigars online, not only because of the reduced overhead, but also because the competition between online cigar retailers is heating up and pricing is becoming increasingly competitive. Cigar smokers can now take advantage of a number of bonuses, such as:
* Special sale pricing
* Coupon codes
* Discounts through “deal of the day” websites
* Online auctions
If you sign up for your favorite cigar shop’s newsletter, you may also be able to take advantage of exclusive offers that are only available to newsletter recipients.
Great Customer Service
Nothing may be comparable to visiting a brick-and-mortar cigar shop and speaking to a cigar expert. But online cigar shops have come a long way in providing great customer service to their customers. Many go above and beyond, employing a third-party call center to provide customer care and support. Several now train their staff so that they can also offer helpful advice and suggestions to customers.
But Before You Buy Online…
Though buying online can save you a lot of money, there are some things that you should know before you purchase your cigars over the World Wide Web. First, it is always a good idea to have tried the cigar before you purchase a larger quantity online. Next, because there are a large number of cigar shops online today, it is important to do a background check on the company and make sure they have a solid reputation. Lastly, after receiving your cigars, it is a good idea to let them sit in your humidor for a week so that you get the best flavor possible.