The Winchester Cigar Company was among the first in leading manufacturers of filtered cigars. This gave the Winchester Cigar company a head start in winning the hearts of their customers, first in the west side of the globe, and later worldwide. Today, the brand continues to grow in popularity. The Winchester Cigar company was originally founded by RJ Reynolds in the early 1970s and took its name after Winchester Rifles, hoping to keep the name and fame of the brand growing.
Winchester Rifles started a tremendous revolution in the industry of arms and ammunition. In the same way, the Winchester Cigar Company created a huge revolution in their production of filtered cigars. Soon after they opened shop, they quickly became one among the top cigar sellers in the United States, spreading their success worldwide.
The Finest Quality for the Brand Conscious
Winchester Cigar Company is said to deliver the finest quality of cigars, which are rather expensive comparatively, but worth every penny. They strive to produce the finest quality blends of tobacco which have kept them among the leading filtered cigar brands for decades.
You can find the ever popular and growing brand of Winchester Filter Cigars virtually everywhere, from the local cigar shops and gas stations to the best-selling cigar warehouses in the country. There are also vast online markets which offer a wide range of Winchester Filter Cigars in different sizes and flavors at excellent prices.
If you are a brand conscious person looking to try a high quality, classic cigar for the first time, most anyone will suggest to you Winchester Filter Cigars. This company is known for producing and marketing their secretly blended filtered cigars since the early 1970s. It is a tested and true favorite for people who crave a timeless and strong cigar smoking experience. The craftsmanship of these cigars is truly flawless and has become the smoker’s favorite since developing its own special filtered blend decades ago.
Many Flavors to Suit Smokers of Every Kind
They also offer, like many other leading cigar companies today, a wide range of different sizes and specially blended flavors to choose from. Banana is the most popular among younger people who are trying cigars for the first time. Winchester is also one of very few cigar companies to offer a rum flavor, keeping in line with their shared brand of Winchester Rifles. They also offer the standard flavors such as strawberry, cherry, and grape.
Winchester Filter Cigars are so incredible that even if you are not a cigar smoker, you have likely heard of them. Available worldwide, you can try them anywhere. If you buy these cigars from an online shop, you are likely to find some very good discounts.